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Turkey Hill


Turkey Hill Maple Butter

10 items left

Treat yourself to something wonderful tonight with the delectable Turkey Hill Maple Butter!

Made with 100% pure maple syrup, this butter is packed full of rich and sweet flavours that are guaranteed to leave your sweet tooth satisfied. Anchored by sweet maple notes, this creamy spread is perfect for addint to rolls, pancakes, waffles, biscuits, muffins and many other baked pastries or desserts.

The Turkey Hill Maple Butter makes a tasty and thoughtful gift for yourself, friends or family, especially during the holiday season or as a stocking stuffer at Christmas.

Made in Quebec, this proudly Canadian company offers superior products with the integrity and purity you want in your maple syrup and maple products.

  • 170g
  • Made with pure maple syrup
  • Made in Quebec, Canada

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